Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scattered Thoughts!

I had a great weekend. Hung out with my sister, who is my very best friend. And, laughed a lot with my baby boy, Austin.

I really would like to stick to blogging, but it so hard. I am such a scatter brain. I'm trying to get it together.

This week, I am going to start to exercise. Try to get in the habit of exercising at least 3 days a week. I work long days, so I have convinced myself that I don't have time. Well, I am going to make the time. I'm going to shift some things around in my life to make this happen. Here are some of my strategies:

1. Workout first thing in the morning.

2. Workout Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. (Every day if possible)

3. No shower is allowed unless I have worked out.

4. 30 Minutes of exercising.

Here we go!!!