Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Blog

Hey there! I'm Paula and I have started this blog to help me stay motivated in this diet and exercise regimen I started about 10 days ago. I started at approximately 186.2 lbs. I have lost 3.4 lbs. so far. Not bad!

To get to this point, I have been walking on my treadmill daily. I have also added the app Lose It to my iPod Touch. It is so cool. It counts your calories, tracks your weight, and you can add friends to compete with. If you have the iPhone or iTouch, I recommend adding it. Plus, it's free.

At this point, I have a budget of 1,183 calories per day. When I add my exercise in, I get to eat more calories. Wooo....Hoooo.....

I have only had a couple of days with eating bad foods. But, the next day, I start all over again and continue on my plan.

I'm on track today.

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